Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scoop \'sku:p\ \-.fu.l\ n [ME scope, fr. MD schope; akin to OHG skepfen 
   to shape - mo]re at SHAPE 1a: a large ladle  1b: a deep shovel or similar 
   implement for digging, dipping, or shoveling  1c: a hemispherical utensil 
   for dipping soft food  1d: a small spoon-shaped utensil or instrument for 
   cutting or gouging  2: the action of scooping  3: a hollow place : CAVITY  
   4a: information esp. of immediate interest  4b: BEAT  - scoop.ful n
2. scoop vt 1: to take out or up with or as if with a scoop : DIP  2: to 
   empty by lading  3: to make hollow : dig out  4: BEAT  - scoop.er n