Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spoon \'spu:n\ n [ME, fr. OE spo-n splinter, chip; akin to OHG spa-n 
   splinter,] chip, Gk sphe-n wedge 1: an eating or cooking implement 
   consisting of a small shallow bowl with a  handle 2: something that 
   resembles a spoon in shape (as a usu. metal or shell fish ing lure) 3: a 
   wooden golf club with more loft than a brassie 
2. spoon vt [prob. fr. the Welsh custom of an engaged man's presenting his 
   fiance`e with a] 1: to take up and usu. transfer in a spoon  2: to propel 
   (a ball) by a weak lifting stroke  spoon 1: to make love by caressing, 
   kissing, and talking amorously : NECKM 2: to spoon a ball