Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. defend                
1. shield \'she-(*)ld\ n [ME sheld, fr. OE scield; akin to OE sciell shell] 
   1: a broad piece of defensive armor carried on the arm  2: one that 
   protects or defends : DEFENSE  3: an adjunct of dress worn inside a part of 
   the clothing liable to be soil ed by perspiration 4: a fixture designed to 
   protect persons from injury from moving parts of m achinery or parts 
   carrying electricity 5: ESCUTCHEON  6: an armored screen protecting an 
   otherwise exposed gun  7: an iron or steel framework moved forward in 
   excavating to support the gr ound ahead of the lining 8: a protective 
   structure (as a carapace) of some animals  9: something shaped like or 
   resembling a shield : as  9a: APOTHECIUM  9b: a policeman's badge  9c: a 
   decorative or identifying emblem 
2. shield vt 1a: to protect with a shield  1b: to cut off from observation 
   : HIDE  obs  2: FORBID  - shield.er n