Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. catch                 
1. snare \'sna(*)r, 'sne(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OE sneare, fr. ON snara; akin to 
   Gk narke- numbne] [prob. fr. D snaar, lit., cord; akin to OHG snuor]ss, OHG 
   snuor cord - more at NARROW 1a1: a contrivance often consisting of a noose 
   for entangling birds or mamm als 1a2: TRAP, GIN  1b1: something by which 
   one is entangled, involved in difficulties, or impe ded 1b2: something 
   deceptively attractive : LURE  2: one of the catgut strings or metal 
   spirals of a snare drum  3: a surgical instrument consisting usu. of a wire 
   loop constricted by a me chanism in the handle and used for removing tissue 
   masses (as tonsils)
2. snare vt 1a: to capture by or as if by use of a snare  1b: to win or 
   attain by artful or skillful maneuvers  2: to entangle as if in a snare  - 
   snar.er n