Webster's English Dictionary

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1. drum \'dr*m\ n [prob. fr. D trom; akin to MHG trumme drum] often attrib  
   1: a musical percussion instrument usu. consisting of a hollow cylinder wit 
   h a skin head stretched over each end that is beaten with a stick or pair 
   of sticks in playing; broadly : a nonmetallic hollow instrument or device 
   beaten to produce a deep-toned rumbling or booming sound 2: TYMPANIC 
   MEMBRANE  3: the sound of a drum; also : any similar sound  4: something 
   resembling a drum in shape : as  4a: a cylindrical machine or mechanical 
   device or part  4b: a cylindrical container; specif : a metal container for 
   liquids  having a capacity between 12 and 110 gallons 4c: a disk-shaped 
   magazine for an automatic weapon  5: any of various percoid fishes (family 
   Sciaenidae) that make a drumming n oise
2. drum vb or drummed;  or drum.ming 1: to beat a drum  2: to make a 
   succession of strokes or vibrations that produce sounds like  drumbeats 3: 
   to sound rhythmically  4: to stir up interest : SOLICIT  1: to summon or 
   enlist by or as if by beating a drum  2: to dismiss ignominiously : EXPEL - 
   usu. used with out  3: to drive or force by steady effort or reiteration  
   4a: to strike or tap repeatedly  4b: to produce (rhythmic sounds) by such 
3. drum n [ScGael druim back, ridge, fr. OIr druimm] chiefly Scot  1: a 
   long narrow hill or ridge  2: DRUMLIN