Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. catch                 
1. trap \'trap\ n [ME, fr. OE treppe & OF trape (of Gmc origin); akin to MD 
   trappe] trap, stair, OE treppan to thread, Skt dravati he runs 1: a device 
   for taking game or other animals; esp : one that holds  by springing shut 
   suddenly 2: something by which one is caught or stopped unawares  3a: a 
   device for hurling clay pigeons into the air  3b: a hazard on a golf course 
   consisting of a depression containing sand  4: a light usu. one-horse 
   carriage with springs  5: any of various devices for preventing passage of 
   something often while a llowing other matter to proceed; specif : a device 
   for drains or sewers consisting of a bend or partitioned chamber in which 
   the liquid forms a seal to prevent the passage of sewer gas 6: a percussion 
   instrument - usu. used in pl. 
2. trap vb or trapped;  or trap.ping 1a: to catch or take in or as if in a 
   trap : ENSNARE  1b: to place in a restricted position : CONFINE  2: to 
   provide or set (a place) with traps  3a: STOP, HOLD  3b: to separate out 
   (as water from steam)  : to set traps for animals esp. as a business  - 
   trap.per n
3. trap vt or trapped;  or trap.ping [ME trappen, fr. trappe cloth, modif. 
   of MF drap - more at]DRAB : to adorn with or as if with trappings 
4. trap also trap.rock \'trap-'ra:k\ n [Sw trapp, fr. trappa stair, fr. MLG 
   trappe; akin to MD tr]appe stair : any of various dark-colored fine-grained 
   igneous rocks (as basalt or amy gdaloid) used esp. in road making