Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stool \'stu:l\ n [ME, fr. OE sto-l; akin to OHG stuol chair, OSlav 
   stolu]breve> seat, throne, OE standan to stand 1a: a seat without back or 
   arms supported by three or four legs or by a cen tral pedestal 1b: a low 
   bench or portable support for the feet or knees : FOOTSTOOL)M 2: a seat 
   used as a symbol of office or authority; also : CHIEFT AINCY 3a: a seat 
   used while defecating or urinating  3b: a discharge of fecal matter  4a: a 
   stump or group of stumps of a tree esp. when producing suckers  4b: a plant 
   crown from which shoots grow out  4c: a shoot or growth from a stool 
2. stool vt : to throw out shoots in the manner of a stool