Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stump \'st*mp\ n [ME stumpe; akin to OHG stumpf stump, ME stampen to 
   stamp] 1a: the basal portion of a bodily part remaining after the rest is 
   removed  1b: a rudimentary or vestigial bodily part  2: the part of a plant 
   (as a tree) after its stem or trunk is cut off  3: a remaining part : STUB  
   4: a place or occasion for political public speaking 
2. stump vt 1: to reduce to a stump : TRIM, LOP  2a: CHALLENGE, DARE  2b: 
   PERPLEX, CONFOUND  3: to clear (land) of stumps  4: to travel over (a 
   region) making political speeches or supporting a cau se 5a: to walk over 
   heavily or clumsily  5b: STUB  1: to walk heavily or noisily  2: to go 
   about making political speeches or supporting a cause  - stump.er n
3. stump n [F or Flem; F estompe, fr. Flem stomp, lit., stub, fr. MD; akin 
   to]OHG stumpf stump : a short thick roll of leather or paper cut to a point 
   and used for shadi ng a crayon or pencil drawing by rubbing
4. stump vt : to tone or treat (a crayon drawing) with a stump