Webster's English Dictionary

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1. suck.er \'s*k-*r\ n 1a: one that sucks esp. a breast or udder : SUCKLING 
    1b: a device for creating or regulating suction (as a piston or valve in a 
    pump) 1c: a pipe or tube through which something is drawn by suction  1d1: 
   an organ in various animals for adhering or holding  1d2: a mouth (as of a 
   leech) adapted for sucking or adhering  2: a shoot from the roots or lower 
   part of the stem of a plant  3: any of numerous freshwater fishes (family 
   Catostomidae) closely related  to the carps 4: LOLLIPOP  5a: a person 
   easily cheated or deceived  5b: a person irresistibly attracted by a 
   specific type of object 
2. sucker \'s*k-(*-)rin\ vb or suck.er.ing : to remove suckers from  : to 
   send out suckers