Webster's English Dictionary

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1. suck \'s*k\ vb [ME souken, fr. OE su-can; akin to OHG su-gan to suck,]L 
   sugere, Gk hyein to rain 1a1: to draw (liquid and esp. mother's milk) into 
   the mouth  1a2: to draw or remove by application of the tongue, lips, or 
   mouth  1a3: to draw by or as if by suction, absorption, inhalation : to 
   gather  or exhaust a supply of 2a: to draw liquid from by motion of the 
   mouth {~ an orange}; Xspecif : to suck milk from (a breast or udder) 2b: to 
   consume by or as if by licking or sucking {~ a lollipop}  1: to draw milk 
   from a breast or udder  2: to draw something in by or as if by a vacuum  3: 
   to become sucked so as to make a sound or motion {his pipe ~ ed hollowly 
   -Walter Machen} {flanks ~ed in and out, the long nose resting on his paws 
   -Virginia Woolf} 4: to act in an obsequious manner {when they want votes 
   ... the candidat es come ~ing around -W.G. Hardy}
2. suck n 1: the act of sucking  2: a sucking movement or force