Webster's English Dictionary

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sum.mit \'s*m-*t\ n [ME somete, fr. MF, fr. OF, dim. of sum top, fr. L 
   summum, ne]ut. of summus highest - more at SUM 1: TOP, APEX; esp : the 
   highest point : PEAK  2: the highest degree : PINNACLE  3: the highest 
   level of officials; esp : the level of heads of gove rnmentACME, 
   CULMINATION, MERIDIAN, ZENITH mean the highest point attained or 
   attainable. SUMMIT implies the topmost level attainable; PEAK suggests the 
   highest among other high points; PINNACLE suggests a dizzying and often 
   insecure height; CLIMAX implies the highest point in an ascending series; 
   APEX implies the point where all ascending lines converge; ACME implies a 
   level of quality representing the perfection of a thing; CULMINATION 
   suggests the outcome of a growth or development representing an attained 
   objective; MERIDIAN implies the stage at which a living and growing thing 
   reaches its fullest development and vigor; ZENITH adds to MERIDIAN 
   implications of luster and distinction SYN syn SUMMIT, PEAK, PINNACLE,