Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fair                   2. material               3. intention             
1. ob.jec.tive \*b-'jek-tiv, a:b-\ aj 1a: of or relating to an object of 
   action or feeling  1b: having the status of or constituting an object : as  
   1b1: existing only in relation to a knowing subject or willing agent  1b2: 
   existing independent of mind  1b3: belonging to the sensible world and 
   being intersubjectively observabl e or verifiable esp. by scientific 
   methods of a symptom of disease  1b4: perceptible to persons other than an 
   affected individual  1c: emphasizing or expressing the nature of reality as 
   it is apart from pe rsonal reflections or feelings 1d: expressing or 
   involving the use of facts without distortion by persona l feelings or 
   prejudices 2: derived from sense perception  3: belonging or relating to an 
   object to be delineated  4: relating to, designating, or constituting the 
   case that follows a prepo sition or a transitive verb - ob.jec.tive.ly av
2. objective n 1: something toward which effort is directed : an aim or end 
   of action :: GOAL, OBJECT 2: something that is objective; specif : 
   something external to the  mind 3a: the objective case  3b: a word in the 
   objective case  4: a strategic position to be attained or purpose to be 
   achieved by a milit ary or naval operation 5: a lens or system of lenses 
   that forms an image of an object