Cross references:
1. coyote 2. jackal
1. wolf \'wu.lf\ \'wu.lvz\ \'wu.l-.fli-k\ n or wolves also wolf [ME, fr. OE
wulf; akin to OHG wolf, L lupus, Gk lykos] [G; fr. the howling sound] pl
often attrib pl 1a: any of various large mammals (genus Canis and esp. C.
lu pus) that resemble the related dogs, are crafty, rapacious, and very
destructive to game, sheep, and cattle, and will sometimes attack man esp.
in a pack 1b: the fur of a wolf 2a1: a fierce, rapacious, or destructive
person 2a2: a crafty person 2a3: a man forward, direct, and zealous in
amatory attentions to women 2b1: a corrupting or destructive agency 2b2:
dire poverty : STARVATION 2c1: a beetle grub or moth grub that infests
granaries 2c2: the maggot of a warble fly 3a1: dissonance in some chords
on organs, pianos, or other instruments with fixed tones tuned by unequal
temperament 3a2: an instance of such dissonance 3b: a harshness due to
faulty vibration in various tones in a bowed instrum ent : one who cloaks a
hostile intention with a friendly manner - wolf.like aj
2. wolf vt : to eat greedily : DEVOUR