Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. shake                 
1. trill \'tril\ vb [ME trillen, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Sw trilla 
   to roll; akin] to MD trillen to vibrate 1: TWIRL, REVOLVE  2: to flow in a 
   small stream or in drops : TRICKLE  : to cause to flow in a small stream 
2. trill n [It trillo, fr. trillare to trill, prob. fr. D trillen to 
   vib]rate; akin to MD trappe step, trap 1a: the alternation of two musical 
   tones a scale degree apart  1b: VIBRATO  1c: a rapid reiteration of the 
   same tone esp. on a percussion instrument  2: a sound felt to resemble a 
   musical trill : WARBLE  3a: the rapid vibration of one speech organ against 
   another (as of the tip  of the tongue against the teethridge) 3b: a speech 
   sound so made 
3. trill vt : to utter as or with a trill {~ the r} to play or sing w ith a 
   trill : QUAVER - trill.er n