Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tri.ple \'trip-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ vb or tri.pling [ME triplen, fr. LL 
   triplare, fr. L triplus, adj.] 1: to make three times as great or as many  
   2a: to advance (a base runner in baseball) by a three-base hit  1: to 
   become three times as great or as numerous  2: to make a three-base hit in 
2. triple n [ME, fr. L triplus, adj.] 1a: a triple sum, quantity, or number 
    1b: a combination, group, or series of three  2: THREE-BASE HIT 
3. triple aj [MF or L; MF, fr. L triplus, fr. tri- + -plus multiplied by -m 
   more at DOUBLE 1: having three units or members  2: being three times as 
   great or as many  3: having a threefold relation or character  4: three 
   times repeated : TREBLE  5: marked by three beats per musical measure {~ 
   meter}  6a: having units of three components {~ feet}  of rhyme  6b: 
   involving correspondence of three syllables (as in unfortunate-impo 