Webster's English Dictionary

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1. paste \'pa-st\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL pasta dough, paste] 1a: a dough 
   that contains a considerable proportion of fat and is used for  pastry 
   crust or fancy rolls 1b: a confection made by evaporating fruit with sugar 
   or by flavoring a gel atin, starch, or gum arabic preparation 1c: a smooth 
   food product made by evaporation or grinding  1d: a shaped dough (as 
   spaghetti or ravioli) prepared from semolina, farina , or wheat flour 2: a 
   soft plastic mixture or composition : as  2a: a preparation usu. of flour 
   or starch and water used as an adhesive or  a vehicle for mordant or color 
   2b: a moistened clay mixture used in making pottery or porcelain  3: a 
   brilliant glass of high lead content used for the manufacture of artif 
   icial gems
2. paste vt 1: to cause to adhere by paste : STICK  2: to cover with 
   something pasted on 
3. paste vt [alter. of baste] : to strike hard at  - paste n