Cross references:
1. pull
1. tug \'t*g\ vb or tugged; or tug.ging [ME tuggen; akin to OE togian to
pull - more at TOW] 1: to pull hard 2: to struggle in opposition : CONTEND
3: to exert oneself laboriously : LABOR 1: to pull or strain hard at 2a:
to move by pulling hard : HAUL 2b: to carry with difficulty : LUG 3: to
tow with a tugboat - tug.ger n
2. tug n 1a: TRACE 1b: a short leather strap or loop 1c: a rope or chain
used for pulling 2a: an act or instance of tugging : PULL 2b: a strong
pulling force 3a: a straining effort 3b: a struggle between two people or
opposite forces 4: TUGBOAT