Webster's English Dictionary

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1. twin \'twin\ aj [ME, fr. OE twinn twofold, two by two; akin to ON tvinnr 
   two by two], OE twa- two 1: born with one other or as a pair at one birth 
   {~ brother} { ~ girls} 2a: made up of two similar, related, or connected 
   members or parts :  DOUBLE 2b: paired in a close or necessary relationship 
   : MATCHING  2c: having or consisting of two identical units  2d: being one 
   of a pair {~ city} 
2. twin n 1: either of two offspring produced at a birth  2: one of two 
   persons or things closely related to or resembling each other  3: a 
   compound crystal composed of two or more crystals or parts of crystals  of 
   the same kind that are grown together in a specific rational manner
3. twin vb or twinned;  or twin.ning 1: to bring together in close 
   association : COUPLE  2: DUPLICATE, MATCH  1: to bring forth twins  2: to 
   grow as a twin crystal