Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crys.tal \'krist-*l\ n [ME cristal, fr. OF, fr. L crystallum, fr. Gk 
   krystallos] 1: quartz that is transparent or nearly so and that is either 
   colorless or  only slightly tinged 2: something resembling crystal in 
   transparency and colorlessness  3: a body that is formed by the 
   solidification of a chemical element, a com pound, or a mixture and has a 
   regularly repeating internal arrangement of its atoms and often external 
   plane faces 4: a clear colorless glass of superior quality  5: the glass or 
   transparent plastic cover over a watch or clock dial  6: a crystalline 
   material used in electronics as a frequency-determining el ement or for 
2. crystal aj 1: consisting of or resembling crystal : CLEAR, LUCID  2: 
   relating to or using a crystal {a ~ radio receiver}