Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. earth                 
uni.verse \'yu:-n*-.v*rs\ n [L universum, fr. neut. of universus entire, 
   whole, fr. uni-]+ versus turned toward, fr. pp. of vertere to turn - more 
   at WORTH 1: the whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated : 
   COS MOS 2a: a systematic whole held to arise by and persist through the 
   direct inte rvention of divine power 2b: the world of human experience  
   2c1: MILKY WAY GALAXY  2c2: an aggregate of stars comparable to the Milky 
   Way galaxy  3: a distinct field or province of thought or reality that 
   forms a closed s ystem or self-inclusive and independent organization 4: