Webster's English Dictionary

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val.id \'val-*d\ aj [MF or ML; MF valide, fr. ML validus, fr. L, strong, 
   fr. vale]-re 1: having legal efficacy or force; esp : executed with the 
   proper  legal authority and formalities {a ~ contract} 2a: well grounded : 
   SOUND {a ~ argument}  2b1: having a conclusion correctly derived from 
   premises {~ argume nt} 2b2: correctly derived from premises {~ inference}  
   3: EFFECTIVE, EFFICACIOUS {~ methods}  mean having such force as to compel 
   acceptance. VALID implies being supported by objective truth or generally 
   accepted authority; SOUND implies being based on flawless reasoning and on 
   solid grounds; COGENT may stress weight of sound argument or evidence or 
   the lucidness of the presentation of an argument; CONVINCING stresses 
   having the power of overcoming doubt, opposition, or reluctance; TELLING 
   suggests having the power of producing quickly the desired effect of an 
   argument, phrase, or word - val.id.ly av SYN syn VALID, SOUND, COGENT,