war.den \'wo.rd-*n\ n [ME wardein, fr. ONF, fr. warder to guard, of Gmc
origin; akin to O]HG warte-n to watch 1: one having care or charge of
something : GUARDIAN, KEEPER 2a: REGENT 2b: the governor of a town,
district, or fortress 2c: a member of the governing body of a guild 3a:
an official charged with special supervisory duties or with the enforce
ment of specified laws or regulations {game ~} {air raid ~} 3b: an official
in charge of the operation of a prison 3c: any of various British
officials having designated administrative funct ions {~ of the mint} 4a:
one of two ranking lay officers of an Episcopal parish 4b: any of various
British college officials whose duties range from the ad ministration of
academic matters to the supervision of student discipline