Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. scrutinize            
scan \'skan\ vb or scanned;  or scan.ning [ME scannen, fr. LL scandere, fr. 
   L, to climb; akin to Gk skanda]lon trap, stumbling block, offense, Skt 
   skandati he leaps 1: to read or mark so as to show metrical structure  2a1: 
   to examine intensively  2a2: to check (as a magnetic tape or a punched 
   card) for recorded data by  means of an electronic or other device 2b: to 
   make a wide sweeping search of  2c: to look through or over hastily  3a: to 
   bring under a moving electron beam for conversion of light and dark  
   picture or image values into corresponding electrical values to be 
   transmitted by facsimile or television 3b: to direct a succession of radar 
   beams over in searching for a target  1: to scan verse  2: to conform to a 
   metrical pattern  - scan n