Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dice \'di-s\ n or dice [ME dyce, fr. dees, dyce, pl. of dee die] pl  1: 
   a small cube marked distinctively on each face with one to six spots and  
   used usu. in pairs in various games and in gambling by being shaken and 
   thrown to come to rest at random on a flat surface 2: a gambling game 
   played with dice  : nothing doing : no use  - no dice 
2. dice vb [ME dycen, fr. dyce] 1a: to cut into small cubes  1b: to 
   ornament with square markings {diced leather}  2a: to bring by playing dice 
   {~ himself into debt}  2b: to lose by dicing  : to play games with dice  - 
   dic.er n