Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. dirty                 

1. foul \'fau.(*)l\ \'fau.(l)-le-\ aj [ME, fr. OE fu-l; akin to OHG fu-l 
   rotten, L pus pus, (Xpute-re to stink, Gk pyon pus 1a: offensive to the 
   senses : LOATHSOME 1b: charged or covered with offensive matter 2: full of 
   dirt : MUDDY 3: morally or spiritually odious : DETESTABLE 4a: OBSCENE, 
   PROFANE 4b: ABUSIVE 5a: being wet and stormy 5b: obstructive to navigation 
   dial Brit  6: HOMELY, UGLY 7a: TREACHEROUS, DISHONORABLE {fair means or ~} 
   7b: constituting an infringement of rules in a game or sport 8a: marked up 
   or defaced by changes {~ manuscript} of a proof  8b: pulled before the 
   latest alterations in type 9: encrusted, clogged, or choked with a foreign 
   substance 10: being odorous and impure : POLLUTED 11: ENTANGLED 12: being 
   outside the foul lines in baseball {~ grounder} - foul.ly av
2. foul n archaic  1: bad luck 2: an entanglement or collision esp. in 
   angling or sailing 3a: an infringement of the rules in a game or sport 3b: 
3. foul av : FOULLY
4. foul vi 1: to become or be foul : as 1a: DECOMPOSE, ROT 1b: to become 
   encrusted, clogged, or choked with a foreign substance 1c: to become 
   entangled or come into collision 2: to commit a violation of the rules in a 
   sport or game 3: to hit a foul ball 1: to make foul : as 1a: to make dirty 
   : POLLUTE 1b: to become entangled or come into collision with 1c: to 
   encrust with a foreign substance 1d: OBSTRUCT, BLOCK 2: DISHONOR, DISCREDIT 
   3: to commit a foul against 4: to hit (a baseball) foul