Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dis.guise \dis-'gi-z\ \-'gi-z(-*)d-le-\ \-'gi-z-m*nt\ vt [ME disgisen, 
   fr. MF desguiser, fr. OF, fr. des- + guiseX 1a: to change the customary 
   dress or appearance of  1b: to furnish with a false appearance or an 
   assumed identity  obs  2: DISFIGURE  3: to obscure the existence or true 
   state or character of : CONCEALMmplies a deceptive change of dress and 
   physical appearance but may extend to a change in manner of speech or 
   behavior that serves to conceal a motive or attitude; CLOAK suggests a 
   means of hiding a movement or intention completely; MASK suggests the 
   prevention of recognition of a thing's true character, nature, or presence 
   usu. by some obvious means and does not always imply pretense or deception; 
   DISSEMBLE stresses pretense for the purpose of misleading as well as hiding 
   esp. with regard to feelings or opinions - dis.guis.ed.ly av SYN syn CLOAK, 
2. disguise n 1: apparel assumed to conceal one's identity or counterfeit 
   another's  2a: an outward form misrepresenting the true nature or identity 
   of a person  or thing 2b: PRETENSE  3: the act of disguising