Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flute \'flu:t\ \-.li-k\ \'flu:t-e-\ n [ME floute, fr. MF flahute, fr. 
   OProv flaut] 1a: RECORDER  1b: a keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a 
   hollow cylinder stopped at  one end and with a side embouchure 1c: an organ 
   flue pipe with a flutelike tone or a stop composed of such pip es 2a: a 
   grooved pleat  2b: a rounded groove; specif : one of the vertical parallel 
   grooves  on a classical architectural column - flute.like aj
2. flute vi 1: to play a flute  2: to produce a flutelike sound  1: to 
   utter with a flutelike sound  2: to form flutes in  - flut.er n