Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pip \'pip\ n [ME pippe, fr. MD; akin to OHG pfiffi-z pip; both fr. a 
   prehisto]ric WGmc word borrowed fr. (assumed) VL pipita, alter. of L 
   pituita phlegm, pip; akin to L opimus fat - more at FAT 1a: a disorder of a 
   bird marked by formation of a scale or crust on the ton gue 1b: the scale 
   or crust of this disorder  2: any of various aliments formerly or locally 
   identified as syphilis, dysp epsia, a slight cough; esp : a slight 
   nonspecific disorder
2. pip n [origin unknown] 1a: one of the dots used on dice and dominoes to 
   indicate numerical value  1b: SPOT  2a: SPOT, SPECK  2b: an invert V or a 
   spot of light on a radarscope indicating the return of  radar waves 
   reflected from an object 3: an individual rootstock of the lily of the 
   valley  4: a star worn to indicate rank by a second lieutenant, lieutenant, 
   or capt ain in the British army
3. pip n [short for pippin] 1: a small fruit seed; esp : one of a 
   several-seeded fleshy fruit  slang  2: something extraordinary of its kind 
   : PIPPIN 
4. pip vb or pipped;  or pip.ping [imit.] 1: PEEP  2: to break through the 
   shell of the egg {the chick pipped}  : to break open (the shell of an egg) 
   in hatching 
5. pip n [imit.] : a short high-pitched tone {broadcast six ~s as a time 
   sign al}