Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. think                 
re.flect \ri-'flekt\ vb [ME reflecten, fr. L reflectere to bend back, fr. 
   re- + fl]ectere to bend archaic  1: to turn into or away from a course : 
   DEFLECT  2a: to turn, throw, or bend off or backward at an angle {mirror 
   ~(Xs light} 2b: to cast back  3: to bend or fold back  4: to give back or 
   exhibit as an image, likeness, or outline : MIRROR  5: to bring or cast as 
   a result  6: to make manifest or apparent : SHOW  7: REALIZE, CONSIDER  obs 
    1: to become turned or thrown back  2: to throw back light or sound  3: to 
   think quietly and calmly  4a: to tend to bring reproach  4b: to have a 
   bearing or influence