Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lace \'la-s\ \'la-st\ \'la--.sli-k\ n [ME, fr. OF laz, fr. L laqueus 
   snare - more at DELIGHT] 1: a cord or string used for drawing together two 
   edges (as of a garment or  a shoe) 2: an ornamental braid for trimming 
   men's coats or uniforms  3: a fine openwork usu. figured fabric made of 
   thread and used chiefly for  household coverings or for ornament of dress - 
   laced aj
2. lace vb [ME lacen, fr. OF lacier, fr. L laqueare to ensnare, fr. 
   l]aqueus 1: to draw together the edges of by or as if by a lace passed 
   through eyel et holes 2: to draw or pass a lace through : THREAD  3: to 
   confine or compress by tightening laces esp. of a corset  4a: to adorn with 
   or as if with lace  4b: to mark with streaks of color  5: BEAT, LASH  6a: 
   to add a dash of an alcoholic liquor to  6b: to give savor or zest to  : to 
   admit of being tied or fastened with a lace  - lac.er n