Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dash \'dash\ vb [ME dasshen] 1: to knock, hurl, or thrust violently  2: 
   to break by striking or knocking  3: SPLASH, SPATTER  4a: DESTROY, RUIN  
   4b: DEPRESS, SADDEN  4c: to make ashamed  5: to affect by mixing in 
   something different  6: to perform or finish hastily  : to move violently 
   or rapidly : SMASH 
2. dash n archaic  1a: BLOW  1b1: a sudden burst or splash  1b2: the sound 
   produced by such a burst  2a: a stroke of a pen  2b: punctuation mark - 
   used esp. to indicate a break in the thought or st ructure of a sentence 3: 
   a small usu. distinctive addition  4: conspicuous display  5: animation in 
   style and action  6a: a sudden onset, rush, or attempt  6b: a short fast 
   race  7: a long click or buzz forming a letter or part of a letter  8: