Webster's English Dictionary

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1. launch \'lo.nch, 'la:nch\ vb [ME launchen, fr. ONF lancher, fr. LL 
   lanceare to wield a lan]ce - more at LANCE 1a: to throw forward : HURL  1b: 
   to release, catapult, or send off (a self-propelled object) {~  a rocket} 
   1c: COMMENCE  2a: to set (a boat or ship) afloat  2b: to give (a person) a 
   start  2c1: to originate or set in motion : INITIATE  2c2: to get off to a 
   good start  1a: to spring forward or take off  1b: to throw oneself 
   energetically : PLUNGE  archaic  2a: to slide down the ways  2b: to make a 
2. launch n : an act or instance of launching 
3. launch n [Sp or Pg; Sp lancha, fr. Pg] archaic  1: a large ship's boat  
   2: a small open or half-decked motorboat