Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. trick                 
1. ma.neu.ver \m*-'n(y)u:-v*r\ n [F manoeuvre, fr. OF maneuvre work done by 
   hand, fr. ML manuoper]a, fr. L manu operare to work by hand 1a: a military 
   or naval evolution  1b: an armed forces training exercise; esp : an 
   extended and large- scale training exercise involving military and naval 
   units separately or in combination - often used in pl 2: a procedure usu. 
   involving expert physical management  3a: evasive movement or shift of 
   tactics  3b: an intended and controlled variation from a straight and level 
   flight p ath in the operation of an airplane 4: an action taken to gain a 
   tactical end 
2. maneuver \-'n(y)u:v-(*-)rin\ \.n(y)u:v-(*-)r*-'bil-*t-e-\ 
   \-'n(y)u:v-(*-)r*-b*l\ \-'n(y)u:-v*r-*r, -'n(y)u:v-r*r\ vb or 
   ma.neu.ver.ing 1a: to perform a movement in military or naval tactics in 
   order to secure  an advantage in attack or defense 1b: to make a series of 
   changes in direction and position for a specific p urpose 2: to use 
   stratagems : SCHEME  1: to cause to execute tactical movements  2: to 
   manage into or out of a position or condition : MANIPULATE  3a: to guide 
   with adroitness and design  3b: to bring about or secure as a result of 
   skillful management  - ma.neu.ver.abil.i.ty n