Cross references:
1. outline
1. pro.file \', Brit usu -.fe-l\ n [It profilo, fr. profilare to
draw in outline, fr. pro- forwa]rd (fr. L) + filare to spin, fr. LL - more
at FILE 1: a representation of something in outline; esp : a human head or
face represented in sharp relief : CONTOUR 3: a side or sectional elevation
: as 3a: a drawing showing a vertical section of the ground 3b: a
vertical section of a soil exposing its various zones or inclusions 4: a
graph representing the extent to which an individual exhibits traits o r
abilities as determined by tests or ratings 5: a concise biographical
2. profile vt 1: to represent in profile : draw or write a profile of 2:
to shape the outline of by passing a cutter around