Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rap \'rap\ n [ME rappe] 1: a sharp blow or knock  2: a sharp rebuke or 
   criticism  slang  3a: the responsibility for or adverse consequences of an 
   action  3b: a criminal charge  3c: a prison sentence 
2. rap vb or rapped;  or rap.ping 1: to strike with a sharp blow  2: to 
   utter suddenly and forcibly  3: to cause to be or come by raps {~ the 
   meeting to order}  4: to criticize sharply  slang  5: to arrest, hold, or 
   sentence on a criminal charge  1: to strike a quick sharp blow  2: to make 
   a short sharp sound 
3. rap vt or rapped also rapt;  also rap.ping [back-formation fr. rapt] 1: 
   to snatch away or upward  2: to transport out of oneself : ENRAPTURE 
4. rap n [perh. fr. 1rap] : something of little value