Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. answer                
1. re.tort \ri-'to.(*)rt\ vb [L retortus, pp. of retorque-re, lit., to 
   twist back, hurl back,] fr. re- + torque-re to twist - more at TORTURE 1: 
   to pay back : RETURN {~ an insult}  2a: to make a reply to  2b: to say in 
   reply  3: to answer by a counter argument  1: to answer back usu. sharply  
   2: to return an argument or charge  3: RETALIATE 
2. retort n : a quick, witty, or cutting reply; esp : one that turns the 
   first  speaker's words against him
3. re.tort \ri-'to.(*)rt, 're--.\ n [MF retorte, fr. ML retorta, fr. L, 
   fem. of retortus, pp.; fr]. its shape : a vessel in which substances are 
   distilled or decomposed by heat