Webster's English Dictionary

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1. an.swer \'an(t)-s*r\ n [ME, fr. OE andswaru; akin to ON andsvar answer; 
   both fr. a prehist]oric WGmc-NGmc compound whose first constituent is 
   represented by OE and- against, and whose second constituent is akin to OE 
   swerian to swear - more at ANTE- 1a: something spoken or written in return 
   to or satisfying a question  1b: a correct response  2a: a reply to a 
   charge : DEFENSE  2b: a rejoinder made by the defendant in an equity case 
   in reply to the charges made by the complainant in his bill 3: something 
   done in response; also : responsive action  4: a solution of a problem 
2. answer \'an(t)s-(*-)rin\ \-s*r-*r\ vb or an.swer.ing 1: to speak or 
   write in reply  2a: to be or make oneself responsible or accountable  2b: 
   to make amends : ATONE  3: to be in conformity or correspondence {~ed to 
   the descrip tion} 4: to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or 
   by another  5: to be adequate : SERVE  1: to speak or write in reply to; 
   also : to say or write by way of  reply 2: to reply in rebuttal, 
   justification, or explanation  3a: to correspond to  3b: to be sufficient 
   for : SERVE  obs  4: to atone for  5: to act in response to  6: to offer a 
   solution for; esp : SOLVE  implies either the logical or practical 
   satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need; RESPOND implies reacting 
   to any stimulus often spontaneously or without resistance or delay; REPLY 
   implies making a return that covers the same ground as the question being 
   answered; it may focus upon the act of answering {he answered correctly; he 
   replied vigorously} REJOIN often implies answering an implied question or 
   objection and may suggest sharpness or quickness in answering; RETORT 
   suggests responding to an explicit charge or criticism by way of 
   retaliation - an.swer.er n SYN syn RESPOND, REPLY, REJOIN, RETORT: ANSWER