Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spike \'spi-k\ n [ME, prob. fr. MD; akin to L spina thorn - more at 
   SPINE] 1: a very large nail  2a: one of a row of pointed irons placed (as 
   on the top of a wall) to preve nt passage 2b1: one of several metal 
   projections set in the sole and heel of a shoe to  improve traction 2b2: a 
   shoe having spikes attached to the sole or heel  3: something resembling a 
   spike : as  3a: a young mackerel not over six inches long  3b: an 
   unbranched antler of a young deer  4: a spike-heeled shoe  5a: the point 
   element in a graph or tracing  5b: an unusually high and sharply defined 
   maximum (as of amplitude in a wav e train)
2. spike vt 1: to fasten or furnish with spikes  2a: to disable (a 
   muzzle-loading cannon) temporarily by driving a spike in to the vent 2b: to 
   suppress or block completely : QUASH  3: to pierce or impale with or on a 
   spike  4: to add alcohol or liquor to (a drink) 
3. spike n [ME spik head of grain, fr. L spica; akin to L spina thorn] 1: 
   an ear of grain  2: an elongated inflorescence similar to a raceme but 
   having the flowers se ssile on the main axis