Webster's English Dictionary

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1. weed \'we-d\ n [ME, fr. OE we-od; akin to OS wiod weed] 1a1: a plant of 
   no value and usu. of rank growth; esp : one that te nds to overgrow or 
   choke out more desirable plants 1a2: a weedy growth of plants  1b: an 
   aquatic plant; esp : SEAWEED  1c1: TOBACCO  1c2: MARIHUANA  2a: an 
   obnoxious growth, thing, or person  2b: something like a weed in 
   detrimental quality; esp : an animal u nfit to breed from
2. weed vi : to remove weeds or something harmful  1a: to clear of weeds {~ 
   a garden}  1b1: to free from something hurtful or offensive  1b2: to remove 
   the less desirable portions of : CULL  2: to get rid of (something harmful 
   or superfluous) - often used with Xout
3. weed n [ME wede, fr. OE w-d, gew-de; akin to] ON va-th cloth, 
   clothing, Lith austi to weave 1: GARMENT - often used in pl.  2a: dress 
   worn as a sign of mourning (as by a widow) - usu. used in pl.  2b: a band 
   of crape worn on a man's hat as a sign of mourning - usu. used  in pl.