Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reverse               
trans.pose \tran(t)s-'po-z\ \.tran(t)s-p*-'zish-*n\ \-'zish-n*l, -*n-*l\ vt 
   [ME transposen, fr. MF transposer, fr. L transponere (perf. i]ndic. 
   transposui) to change the position of, fr. trans- + ponere to put, place - 
   more at POSITION 1: TRANSFORM, TRANSMUTE  2: TRANSLATE  3: to transfer from 
   one place or period to another : SHIFT  4: to change the relative place or 
   normal order of : alter the sequence  of {~ letters to change the spelling} 
   5: to write or perform (a musical composition) in a different key  6: to 
   bring (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other w ith 
   change of sign - trans.po.si.tion n