Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. neat                  
1. trig \'trig\ aj [ME, trusty, nimble, of Scand origin; akin to ON tryggr 
   faithful; akin to] OE tre-owe faithful - more at TRUE 1: stylishly trim : 
   SMART  2: extremely precise : PRIM  dial chiefly Brit  3: FIRM, VIGOROUS 
2. trig vt or trigged;  or trig.ging dial chiefly Brit  : to put in order : 
   TIDY - usu. used with up 
3. trig vt or trigged;  or trig.ging [perh. of Scand origin; akin to ON 
   tryggja to make firm; tryggr fai]thful chiefly dial  : to restrain from 
   moving or shifting : as  : to stop or slow (a wheel) usu. by placing a 
   wedge or block under it  : to support with props or wedges 
4. trig n chiefly dial  : a stone or block used as a support in trigging 
5. trig n : TRIGONOMETRY