Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. discompose            
1. up.set \(.)*p-'set\ vb or upset;  or up.set.ting 1: to thicken and 
   shorten (as a heated bar of iron) by hammering on the en d : SWAGE 2: to 
   force out of the usual upright, level, or proper position : OVE RTURN 3a: 
   to disturb the poise of  3b: to throw into disorder  3c: INVALIDATE  3d: to 
   defeat unexpectedly  4: to cause a physical disorder in; specif : to make 
   somewhat ill  : to become overturned  - up.set.ter n
2. up.set \'*p-.set\ n 1: an act of overturning : OVERTURN  2a1: an act of 
   throwing into disorder : DERANGEMENT  2a2: a state of disorder : CONFUSION  
   2b: an unexpected defeat  3a: a minor physical disorder {a stomach ~}  3b: 
   an emotional disturbance  4a: a part of a rod (as the head on a bolt) that 
   is upset  4b: the expansion of a bullet on striking  5: a swage used in 