Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.com.pose \.dis-k*m-'po-z\ \-'po--zh*r\ vt 1: to destroy the composure 
   of  2: to disturb the order of GITATE, UPSET, FLUSTER mean to destroy 
   capacity for collected thought or decisive action. DISCOMPOSE implies some 
   degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence esp. through emotional 
   stress; DISQUIET suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind; 
   DISTURB implies interference with one's mental processes caused by worry, 
   perplexity, or interruption; PERTURB implies deep disturbance and 
   unsettlement of mind and emotions; AGITATE suggests obvious external signs 
   of nervous or emotional excitement; UPSET implies the disturbance of normal 
   or habitual functioning by disappointment, distress, or grief; FLUSTER 
   suggests bewildered agitation caused by unexpected or sudden demands or 
   commands - dis.com.po.sure n SYN syn DISCOMPOSE, DISQUIET, DISTURB,