Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ush.er \'*sh-*r\ n [ME ussher, fr. MF ussier, fr. (assumed) VL ustiarius 
   doorkee]per, fr. L ostium, ustium door, mouth of a river; akin to L or-, os 
   mouth - more at ORAL 1a: an officer or servant who has the care of the door 
   of a court, hall, or  chamber 1b: an officer who walks before a person of 
   rank  1c: one who escorts persons to seats (as in a theater)  archaic  2: 
   an assistant teacher 
2. usher \'*sh-(*-)rin\ vt or ush.er.ing 1: to conduct to a place  2: to 
   precede as an usher, forerunner, or harbinger  3: INAUGURATE, INTRODUCE {~ 
   in a new era}