Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wad \'wa:d\ n [origin unknown] 1a: a small mass, bundle, or tuft  1b: a 
   soft mass esp. of a loose fibrous material variously used (as to stop  an 
   aperture, pad a garment, or hold grease around an axle) 1c1: a soft plug 
   used to retain a powder charge or to avoid windage esp. in  a 
   muzzle-loading cannon or gun 1c2: a felt or paper disk to separate the 
   components of a shotgun cartridge  2: a considerable amount  3a: a roll of 
   paper money  3b: MONEY  3c: a large amount of money 
2. wad vt or wad.ded;  or wad.ding 1: to form into a wad or wadding; esp : 
   to roll or crush into a ti ght wad 2a: to insert a wad into  2b: to hold in 
   by a wad {~ a bullet in a gun}  3: to stuff or line with some soft 
   substance (as cotton) : PAD  - wad.der n