Webster's English Dictionary

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win.dow \'win-(.)do-, -d*(-w)\ n [ME windowe, fr. ON vindauga, fr. vindr 
   wind + auga eye] often attrib ; akin to OE wind and to OE e-age eye - more 
   at EYE 1: an opening esp. in the wall of a building for admission of light 
   and air  usu. closed by casements or sashes containing transparent material 
   (as glass) and capable of being opened and shut 2: WINDOWPANE  3: an 
   opening like or suggestive of a window (as a shutter, slot, valve)  4: the 
   transparent panel of a window envelope  5: the framework (as a shutter or 
   sash with its fittings) that closes a win dow opening 6: strips of foil 
   dropped from airplanes to interfere with radar detection