Webster's English Dictionary

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bor.row \'ba:r-(.)o-, 'bo.r-, -*(-w)\ \-*-w*r\ vb [ME borwen, fr. OE 
   borgian; akin to OE beorgan to preserve m more at BURY 1: to receive with 
   the implied or expressed intention of returning the sam e or an equivalent 
   {~ a book} 2a: to appropriate for one's own use {~ a metaphor}  2b: DERIVE, 
   ADOPT  3: to take (one) from a figure of the minuend in arithmetical 
   subtraction  in order to add as 10 to the next lower denomination 4: to 
   introduce into one language from another  5: to dig from a borrow pit  dial 
    6: LEND  1: to borrow something  2: to putt to one side of the cup in golf 
   so as to allow for the slant of  the green - bor.row.er n