Webster's English Dictionary

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1. buck.et \'b*k-*t\ n [ME, fr. AF buket, fr. OE bu-c pitcher, belly; akin 
   to OHG bu]-h belly, Skt bhu-ri abundant 1: a typically round vessel for 
   catching, holding, or carrying liquids or s olids 2: something resembling a 
   bucket : as  2a: the scoop of an excavating machine  2b: one of the 
   receptacles on the rim of a water-wheel  2c: one of the cups of an 
   endless-belt conveyor  2d: one of the vanes of a turbine rotor  3: a large 
2. bucket vt 1: to draw or lift in or as if in buckets  Brit  2a: to ride 
   (a horse) hard  2b: to drive hurriedly or roughly  3: to deal with in or as 
   if in a bucket shop  1: HUSTLE, HURRY  2a: to move about haphazardly or 
   irresponsibly  2b: to move roughly or jerkily