Webster's English Dictionary

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1. buck \'b*k\ n or bucks;  or buck;  or buck [ME, fr. OE bucca stag, 
   he-goat; akin to OHG boc he-goat, MIr bo] [short for sawbuck] pl cc pl  1: 
   a male animal; esp : a male deer or antelope  2a: a male human being : MAN  
   2b: a dashing fellow : DANDY  pl  3: ANTELOPE  4a: BUCKSKIN; also : an 
   article made of buckskin  slang  4b: DOLLAR  5: SAWHORSE  6a: a supporting 
   rack or frame  6b: a short thick leather-covered block for gymnastic 
2. buck vi of a horse or mule  1: to spring with a quick plunging leap  2: 
   to charge against something as if butting  3a: to move or react jerkily  
   3b: BALK  4: to strive for advancement sometimes without regard to ethical 
   behavior  1: to throw (as a rider) by bucking  archaic  2a: BUTT  2b: 
   OPPOSE, RESIST  3: to charge into (the opponents' line in football)  4: to 
   pass esp. from one person to another  - buck.er n
3. buck aj [prob. fr. 1buck] : of the lowest grade within a military 
   category {~ private} 
4. buck n [short for earlier buckhorn knife] : an object formerly used in 
   poker to mark the next player to deal; bro adly : a token used as a mark or 
5. buck av [origin unknown] South & Midland  : STARK {~ naked}