Webster's English Dictionary

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1. puff \'p*f\ vb [ME puffen, fr. OE pyffan, of imit. origin] 1a1: to blow 
   in short gusts  1a2: to exhale forcibly  1b: to breathe hard : PANT  1c: to 
   emit small whiffs or clouds (as of smoke)  2: to speak or act in a 
   scornful, conceited, or exaggerated manner  3a: to become distended : SWELL 
   - usu. used with up  3b: to open or appear in or as if in a puff  1: to 
   emit, propel, blow, or expel by or as if by puffs : WAFT  2a: to distend 
   with or as if with air or gas : INFLATE  2b: to make proud or conceited : 
   ELATE  2c: to praise extravagantly; specif : ADVERTISE 
2. puff \'p*f-e--n*s\ \'p*f-e-\ n 1a: an act or instance of puffing : WHIFF 
    1b: a slight explosive sound accompanying a puff  1c: a perceptible cloud 
   or aura emitted in a puff  2: a light pastry that rises high in baking  3a: 
   a slight swelling : PROTUBERANCE  3b: a fluffy mass : as  3b1: POUF  3b2: a 
   small fluffy pad for applying cosmetic powder  3b3: a soft loose roll of 
   hair  3b4: a quilted bed covering  4: a commendatory notice or review  - 
   puff.i.ness n